ChinaThe history of Islam in China began when three Companions - Sa`d ibn abi Waqqas,Ja’far ibn Abi Talib and Jahsh preached in 616/17 and onwards in China after sailing from Abyssinia in 615/16 49 images |
Dubai115 images |
EgyptHistory is one of the reaons Egypt attracted 15 million tourists in 2010. You will find places from ancient Egypt, but also important Muslim historical places. 467 images |
PalestineThe early Muslims prayed facing Jerusalem, before the direction was changed towards the Kaba during the first years after the Hijra. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also prayed at Al-Aqsa during the Night Journey. 152 images |
Lebanon34 images |
MalaysiaAn interesting multicultural country where 61% of the population being Muslims, 20% Buddhists, 10% Christians and 9% practices other religions. 104 images |
MorroccoMorocco, the home of the Moors who are famous for the astonishing architecture. Their beautiful art can still be seen around the country. 345 images |
Saudi ArabiaThe Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was born in Makkah and later emmigrated to Madinah. The four rightly guided Caliphs ruled from Madinah after the death of the Prophet (pbuh). 435 images |
Singapore21 images |
SpainThe Muslims were present in Al Andalus for over 900 years. Science, knowledge and religious tolerance were some of the keywords from the eara they were rulers. 561 images |
SyriaA beautiful country, with beautiful art and architecture. Torn asunder through the current conflict. We pray for Syria's people and also for their heritage to be preserved. 657 images |
TurkeyIstanbul served as the capital of the Ottoman Empire between 1460 and 1923 and is filled with interesting Islamic architecture and history 344 images |