Camera and picture quality

Most pictures on MuslimPhotos are shot in RAW - 10 mega pixles. They are shot using a Nikon D40x with a 18-135 lens. There are some exceptions. The exceptions are listed below.
  • The pictures shot in Morocco, Spain, Syria and Lebanon are all 6 mega pixles. They are shot with the Canon S3 is .
  • Some of the pictures shot in Saudi Arabia are also shot with the Canon S3 is in 6 Megapixles.
  • The pictures shot in Palestine are between 3 and 5 mega pixles. They are all shot with a Sony DSC-F707 camera .
  • I have used all three cameras mentioned above to shoot the pictures in Istanbul
All pictures are of good enough quality for printing purposes in magazines etc.


The fee for using my pictures is set for each individual request. The price will depend on various factors, such as the distribution, the size of the picture etc.

Terms of Use

  • All pictures on are the intellectual property of the photographer.
  • Any usage of any picture on must be agreed with by the copyright holder - in most cases Athar Akram
  • One of the purposes of is to provide non-commercial project with pictures, so don't be afraid to ask for the original un-watermarked pictures.
  • Any unauthorised use of any picture is equal to stealing!
  • All pictures must be credited in the following way: Athar Akram / - unless something else has been agreed upon


Please contact me on pics (at) (remove spaces and change (at) with an @) if you have any enquries regarding usage of my pictures.